Preparation for Test of Oral Proficiency in French - Level B (CRS-4101)

Product code: CRS-4101


Delivery method

Delivery method

Virtual classroom






All employees



Important notice:  Please contact the OL team directly through TopDesk if the course is full. 

This course is for learners who wish to achieve Level B in oral proficiency in French as a second language.

Learners will familiarize themselves with the types of questions and criteria for formal oral assessments in French as a second language at Level B.

Learners will engage in a variety of activities related to the oral proficiency test to learn how to formulate a coherent response. Learners will develop vocabulary specific to professional topics while applying appropriate language related functions.

For learners who have achieved Level B in reading comprehension and written expression in French.

No Current Offerings

Date modified: 2024-02-02